Couples Therapy

a couple distant and upset on their bed

Do You Feel Unheard Or Unloved In Your Relationship?

Are you and your partner in a committed relationship but struggling with a lack of intimacy?

Do you feel like you’re both just roommates now and the passion isn’t there anymore? 

Deep down, does it seem like your partner just doesn’t see, hear, or understand you? 

Maybe your relationship or marriage started strong, but lately, you’ve been feeling unloved or unwanted. Perhaps you can’t seem to spend time with each other pleasantly—everything ends in an argument or a misunderstanding. it might feel like you and your partner are unable to communicate or resolve your conflicts in a healthy way, and you are likely wondering if couples therapy can help restore the peace and love in your union.

Your Relationship Issues Might Stem From Infidelity, Poor Communication, Or An Inability To Compromise

If your marriage is strained, you might constantly bicker and have the same arguments over and over again. Poor communication strategies and approaches are usually present, as well as stonewalling, silent treatment, and passive aggressiveness. 

Maybe one of you has broken the trust of your committed relationship, and you are now wrestling with infidelity and wondering how your partnership can heal and move on. Even if neither of you did break the trust, you may have disengaged from all forms of physical and emotional intimacy. Over time, that could make it feel as though you aren’t really in a romantic partnership anymore.

The effects of a struggling relationship can lead to deep-seated resentment and hurt feelings that will take some time to mend. Additionally, issues like anxiety, depression, and anger can manifest from the continued stress of your relationship issues. 

You probably think If you could just feel connected and supported by your partner you could heal your relationship and find joy with each other again. Ascent Therapy Services can help couples achieve these goals. Our mission is to help you renew your intimacy, deepen your trust, and create a stronger foundation at the heart of your relationship.

Not All Relationship Struggles Will End A Marriage

Every couple has arguments, as two unique people partnering together will inevitably experience disagreements. What makes a lasting relationship is not that the couple always sees eye to eye, but that they agree to make the commitment work based on mutual love, respect. and a willingness to compromise.

Even though you and your partner are struggling, you can feel hopeful about your relationship. According to the Journal of Family and Marriage Therapy, for couples who sought counseling, 70 percent reported that it had a positive impact on their relationship. (1) Another study reported that after counseling, nearly 90 percent of couples felt improvements in their emotional health. (2)

Sometimes Our Expectations Can Blind Us From Our Real Needs

Social media and popular culture can create unrealistic expectations for many couples. After all, people often think that what they see on social media or TV is reality. So when their relationship isn’t as picture-perfect as the ones they see in the media, they think that something must be wrong. 

Another factor that can cause relationship troubles is a lack of understanding of each other’s needs and expectations. People don’t often discuss the really important things before they enter into a marriage - like their beliefs on children, parenting, or finances. What’s more, they often don’t realize that there’s a gap between their needs and their expectations. They might expect their relationship to mirror what they see on social media without realizing that that won’t fulfill their deepest romantic needs. 

It's important to note that all of us were raised differently, so we all enter relationships with different ideas about what a relationship should look like. This is why it’s so vital to discuss our differences in a safe, nonjudgmental space. Having a therapist who can provide an outside, unbiased assessment of your unique situation and what brought you both to this point as a couple can help immensely.

a couple arguing

Couples Therapy Can Help You Experience Greater Connection With Your Partner

a couple talking to their therapist

Pursuing counseling as a couple isn’t an indicator that your relationship is doomed—rather, it shows that you care enough about your relationship that you want to solve your problems and make it work. Ascent Therapy Services can give you the safe space to present your side of the story in your relationship and explore issues in your past that contribute to your current feelings and behaviors. 

You can expect to feel heard by your therapist with the goal of being heard by your partner through learning better communication skills. This can result in a greater feeling of connection and intimacy with your partner when both of you are fully engaged in the therapy process.

What To Expect in Couples Therapy Sessions

During sessions, we will explore the history of your relationship, the current behavioral patterns and communication styles you both display, as well as each of your core values and how you apply them to your lives. The long-term goal is for each person to feel truly heard by their partner, enhance closeness and intimacy, and let go of hurts and resentments to create a happier relationship. 

You and your partner may be asked to complete “assignments” between sessions. This way, you can reinforce the communication strategies and skills you learn in therapy and bring them into your home setting.

Counseling Strategies That Can Help Heal Your Marriage And Bring You Closer Together

a couple dancing together

Communication Skills Therapy includes empathetic or reflective listening, which asks you to put yourself in the shoes of your partner and imagine what they might feel like. You’ll practice soft opening statements during conversations that encourage compassion, and you’ll learn to express your needs clearly and politely without lashing out with aggressiveness or unhelpful language. 

Relationship Mindfulness can help you be more aware of your feelings and your spouse’s feelings. You’ll explore how your past experiences and any trauma you’ve gone through are showing up in your current relationship. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help couples learn how their thought processes impact their interactions. This approach to counseling can help you change your emotional responses and work through communication breakdowns as a couple. 

You don’t need to wait longer to seek help for your relationship, because with Ascent Therapy Services, it is possible to resolve your conflicts efficiently and compassionately. You can feel hopeful and have a fulfilling lifelong relationship. Counseling has helped countless couples feel cherished, loved, and emotionally secure, and the same is possible for you and your partner.

You Might Have Concerns About Couples Therapy…

  • Therapy is indeed a financial and time commitment and it can certainly take an hour or more a week for sessions, but don’t let that deter you from getting started. The focus will be on the goals you and your partner hope to reach in therapy, both short and long-term, and however long it takes is based on when you reach them. Furthermore, our telehealth sessions can be easier to plan and schedule than in-office appointments. Just like you would go to physical therapy or a nutritionist, couples counseling can be necessary for the health of your relationship.

  • The emotional well-being of both people in the couple is equally important to your counselor. The goal of your therapist is to improve your relationship - not to drive you further apart. We are trained to view your disagreements, conversations about values, and other different aspects of your personalities objectively. While there may be times when one person gets more attention, each partner should feel heard and supported overall.

  • The cost of therapy can be considered an investment in your relationship and yourself. Your therapist is a trained professional whose job is to help you and your partner gain valuable and lifelong skills. Compared to vacations and other couple’s activities, the benefits of therapy can be more impactful and longer lasting to your relationship and your life.

    While most insurance companies do not cover the cost of couples therapy, we are happy to discuss with you options for out of network coverage to help with the overall cost. Some things in life are worth the cost, such as the health and happiness in your relationship. The financial investment of therapy could be just what you both need to jumpstart your relationship’s healing process.

Let’s Start Healing Your Relationship

Ascent Therapy Services offers telehealth couples therapy for those who may be struggling now but are still full of hope for their relationship. Reach out to us for a free, 15-minute consultation by calling us at (800) 906-8083 or send us your information through our online form.

